Budapest Christmas Market 2024 | Dates, Hotels & More

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Budapest’s Christmas Markets are often considered among the most beautiful Christmas markets in Europe, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.

From the main Christmas fair in Vörösmarty Square to the famous Advent Feast at St Stephen’s Basilica, visitors are spoiled for choice when it comes to finding fun and exciting holiday activities.

If you’re currently planning your own trip, or simply curious about what Budapest’s Christmas Markets are like, then we’re here to help.

Read on for an overview of the Budapest Christmas Market scene, with official dates, hotel recommendations, photos & more.

NOTE: This is a Christmas market we haven’t personally visited yet, so all the information below is taken from official sources for your reference! If you have any personal tips from first-hand experience to add, let us know in the comments so we can improve this guide!

Budapest Christmas Market Dates 2024

As of September 2024, the following dates have been officially confirmed for Budapest’s Christmas markets:

  • Budapest Christmas Fair in Vörösmarty Square: TBA
  • Advent Feast at the Basilica: TBA (Previous year’s event: Nov 17 – Jan 1)
  • Advent Obudan: TBA (Previous year’s event: Dec 1 – 23)

Official Budapest Christmas Market Websites

For the most up-to-date information and announcements, be sure to visit official sources like the markets’ official websites here:

Budapest Christmas Market 2024 Hotels

Looking for a place to stay nearby while you visit the Christmas markets in Budapest? Here are some recommendations:

Budapest Christmas Market Locations

Wondering where you can find the best Christmas markets in Budapest? Here’s a quick overview:

Vörösmarty Square (Vörösmarty tér)

The largest and longest-running Budapest Christmas Market can be found in Vörösmarty tér, AKA Vörösmarty Square, where visitors can choose from over 100 stalls selling everything from handmade local crafts to mouthwatering goulash, sausages, and other tasty Hungarian specialties.

Known as the Budapesti Karácsonyi Vásár, or Budapest Christmas Fair, this is hands down one of the most important Christmas markets you must visit in Budapest!

St Stephen’s Basilica (Szent István-bazilika)

At Szent István-bazilika (AKA St Stephen’s Basilica), you’ll find another one of Budapest’s best Christmas markets: Adventi Ünnep a Bazilikánál, known in English as the Advent Feast of the Basilica, which took home the honor of best Christmas Market in Europe back in 2019 thanks to a public vote.

Here, you’ll find a delightful array of food and gift stalls, along with a central skating rink under a glittering canopy of lights, and nightly light projections on the church facade set to music.

If it’s a magical atmosphere you’re looking for, this is one Budapest Christmas market you can’t miss.

Fő Square (Fő tér)

Lastly, if you happen to be in town during a weekend, consider checking out the Advent Óbudán, known in English as Óbduda Advent, or the Óbuda Christmas Fair.

This market is widely known as the preferred Budapest Christmas market for locals, who enjoy the cozy, less touristic atmosphere in Óbuda’s central square.

Here, you’ll also find a skating rink, along with live performances and a craft market.

What to Eat and Drink at Budapest’s Christmas Markets

One of the most important parts of any Christmas market is the food! Luckily for all visitors, Budapest’s Christmas Market scene is filled with delectable options. Here are some must-eats when exploring the Christmas markets in Budapest.


Kürtőskalács (Chimney Cake)

Forralt Bor (Mulled Wine)

Fried Sausage

Almás Rétes (Apple Strudel)

Tócsi (Potato Pancakes)

Töltött Káposzta (Stuffed Cabbage Rolls)

Goose and Red Cabbage

Grilled Meats

Roasted Chestnuts

What to Buy at Budapest’s Christmas Markets

Eager to do more than just eat? Of course, shopping is another important part of the Budapest Christmas Market scene. Well, here are some souvenirs you can bring home from the Christmas markets in Budapest!

Gingerbread Cookies

Christmas Ornaments

Chocolates and Marzipan

Cured Meats

Handmade Toys

More Photos from Budapest’s Christmas Markets

Haven’t gotten enough of the Budapest Christmas Market magic? Here are some more photos to show you what you can expect:

Help Us Improve This Budapest Christmas Market Guide!

We’re constantly striving to make articles on this site more informative for our readers, so let us know in the comments if you’ve been to Budapest Christmas Market and if there are any tips or must-knows you’d like to share.

53 thoughts on “Budapest Christmas Market 2024 | Dates, Hotels & More”

    • Hey Julie, ahh if only! For what it’s worth, Budapest is magical even without Christmas markets. We have been several times and are certain you’ll love it even without markets. Plus, you might even get lucky and some decorations might still be up. Fingers crossed for you! Safe travels 🙂

    • Hi Toni, we’ve just updated the post with more up to date information. To sum up, it seems the main Christmas market in Budapest will be moving to an online format this year, but the Advent in Obudan event seems to be planned with some festivities for Nov 26 – Dec 24. There is more info on their Facebook page: Note however that things can still change (and events may be cancelled closer to Christmas) depending on how case numbers develop. We hope that helps!

  1. Ciao. Sapete se per l’apertura del 19 Novembre, è previsto qualcosa di particolare? Vale la pena arrivare proprio nel giorno di apertura oppure è preferibile farlo nei giorni successivi?
    Siamo indecisi se venire il 19, il 20 o il 21.
    Grazie mille in anticipo

    • Ciao Antonella, abbiamo appena aggiornato l’articolo con alcune nuove informazioni. Sfortunatamente, sembra che il principale mercatino di Natale di Budapest passerà quest’anno a un formato online, ma l’evento dell’Avvento in Obudan sembra essere pianificato con alcune festività per il 26 novembre – 24 dicembre. Ci sono maggiori informazioni sulla loro pagina Facebook: https :// Nota, tuttavia, che le cose possono ancora cambiare (e gli eventi potrebbero essere cancellati più vicino a Natale) a seconda di come si sviluppano i numeri dei casi. Speriamo che questo aiuti con la pianificazione del viaggio. (PS scusate per il nostro italiano – abbiamo dovuto tradurre con Google).

  2. Hi,
    Would love to know the exact date of budapest christamas market this year.We are planning to book between 17to27 from Israel.Kindly your sugestion thank you

    • [EDITED] Hi Esabelle, we’ve just updated the post with more up to date information. To sum up, it seems that Christmas markets are indeed taking place in Budapest this year, despite some outdated statements on the official websites of the markets, which weren’t properly updated until last week. Hope that helps!

  3. I went to all the offical wedsites you listed and they all say the markets are online this year. Some decorations ect will be up but no markets!

    • [EDITED] Hi Tim, turns out the official sites were showing outdated statements from last year. The markets in Budapest are indeed happening this year as planned!

  4. Hello, I have been following this thread, I don’t think it is true that the Budapest Christmas markets will only be online this year. I checked the source code for those pages you shared and they were last updated in November of 2020. The applications with dates for this year were updated and are current, so I just don’t think they updated other parts of the website. If you go look at the source code you can see when the pages were actually according to this, it seems that there is a good possibility that the markets will remain open.

    • Hello everyone,
      As I am visiting Budapest at the end of this month, I asked my airbnb contact about this and it seems indeed that the info about the markets not taking place is from last year. She said that all the Budapest Christmas Markets are taking place, however a vaccine certificate is needed. Hope this info helps:)

      • Hi Andreea, thank you so much for the confirmation. Official sources have been a bit confusing so it’s amazing you got this first hand confirmation for us. Thanks so much!

    • Hi Don, great detective work – thank you! Our page has now been updated with all the official dates, as shown on the official event websites. It took them way too long to put the official 2021 dates on there, but we’re happy that the markets are indeed happening!

  5. I am currently in Budapest and they have been setting up the stalls and tree in Vörösmarty Square, as well as St. Stephen’s Basilica. Already lights are lit and anticipation is building. Looks like the markets are on this year!

    • That’s great to know, Lisa! Thanks so much. Turns out the statements re: cancellations were left over from last year, which is confusing as they didn’t have dates on the page. We’re so happy to hear the markets are indeed moving forward this year. Hope you enjoy Budapest!

  6. Dude, you need to update this page. The Budapest Christmas Markets are OPEN this year, starting Friday November 19.

    You are doing an enormous disservice to the hardworking residents of Budapest who work in the travel industry and are counting on Christmas visitors to financially get by after nearly two years of limited visitors.

    Today some travelers are the rumor that there are no markets because of your site’s incorrect information!! You need to do better. People’s livelihoods are at stake.

    • Hi Kate – thanks for your comment. We’ve just updated the post. For some additional context, we did have the correct dates for the Budapest Christmas Fair in Vörösmarty Square up on our site up until the first week of November. In the 1st week of November, someone sent us the statements in Hungarian written on the event’s official website which (at the time) said the markets were going to be taking place online. It turns out these were statements left over from last year, which was unclear since the statements weren’t dated. The event website was not updated until very recently with the official 2021 information, and (up until Nov 6 which is when we last checked) still showed an announcement that markets would be virtual, which is where the “rumour” stemmed from.

      Since we’re not the actual event organizers, and our site covers hundreds of markets across Europe that are all organized independently, we rely on official sources for our information. In some cases (and especially when organizers don’t reply to our emails), information can become inaccurate or outdated, which is why we always put a disclaimer that readers should get the most up to date info from the official event websites, and we ask readers such as yourself to comment with corrections or updates.

      We totally get where you’re coming from, and of course as members of the tourism industry ourselves, we are familiar with how tough the past (almost) 2 years have been. We want you to understand though that event info is changing constantly and with short notice (just look at Bavaria, who just cancelled all their markets with a week’s notice), so as a tiny team, it’s impossible for us to keep on top of all the updates without reader help, especially when the official websites themselves are outdated. Anyways, the dates have been corrected now, and we’re crossing all our fingers that the rest of the season goes smoothly and we won’t have to update the post again until next year. If you’re visiting the markets, we hope you have a great time 🙂 Thanks again for the heads up.

  7. We are planning to be in Budapest for the Christmas markets the first week of December. We are from the US and have been looking for information on whether our US -CDC issued vaccine cards will be accepted for admittance. I have searched and I can’t find an answer.

    • Mindy

      I am currently seeking the same information Mindy and trying to figure out how to get a Hungarian Immunization Pass for my wife and I visiting second week of December from the US.

      Fully vaccinated, digital pass, card and booster shot. But no way to prove it.

      Any help/info would be appreciated since you will be visiting ahead of us.

      • And FWIW I have been in touch with US Embassy in Budapest and they say we will need the Euro Covid Passport or the Hungarian Immunization Pass for Christmas Market but honestly I do not think they are even sure exactly what might be accepted at the gate.

  8. The State i live in issued us Digital Covid Passes that work anywhere in the US. Whether that will work in Hungary I have no idea. There are many different online type passes you can upload your original card into that will generate a digital vaccine record but I do not know how widely accepted they are. We will be bringing both physical and digital versions and I am hoping to find a way to get the Hungarian version but so far its been hard.

    • Hi Chris, we aren’t the official organizers of the event, but based on our research, it sounds like they are only accepting European Union digital Covid certificates and vaccination cards from the countries listed here and here. We had another reader comment that they received official confirmation from an organizer that Canadian credentials wouldn’t be accepted, and since the UK is also not on these lists, we think the situation will be the same for UK vaccine card holders. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

  9. We are planning to spend a few days around Christmas Day in Budapest; but, struggling to find covid entry rules for minors. I have 2 kids aged 15 and 17. We are from the UK and both have only had 1 jab so far. I’ve had 2 and will have my booster beginning of December.
    Any help/advice gratefully received.

    • Hi Sudha, we are not the official organizers of the event but based on our research, the official website says: “Budapest Advent and Christmas Fair is only accessible for persons who have immunity to coronavirus and persons under the age of eighteen accompanied and supervised by such an adult” SO it sounds like so long as you (the supervisor) are fully vaccinated and you have proof of vaccination that is accepted by them, then your kids can attend. Do note however that at the moment they are only taking EU digital vaccination passes and vaccine cards from select additional countries, so make sure to verify that your proof of vaccination is valid for their purposes.

    • Hi Olly, we are not the official organizers of the event, but based on our research, the official website currently says “In accordance with the effective law, the Fair is only accessible for immunity card holders.” Moreover, it seems they are only accepting immunity cards for a select few recognized countries. Based on this, it seems a negative test would not be sufficient.

  10. Happy holidays! I’m an American currently visiting Budapest. Even though Hungary doesn’t have an agreement with the US, my paper CDC vaccine card (showing 2 Moderna shots + booster) was accepted to get into the main and St. Stephen’s Christmas markets last night. Perhaps they’ll be more strict on weekends, but no problems getting in on a Monday!

    • Thanks so much for sharing your experience!! We sure it will be very helpful to other travelers. Hope you have a great time in Budapest!

  11. US citizen with CDC vaccine card and visited markets of Vörösmarty Square and St Stephen’s Basilica on 4 Dec 2021.

    We were allowed into both markets with no problem.
    (St. Stephen’s was FAR superior!)

  12. I was very pleased to find this website. I wanted to thank you for your time for this wonderful post!! I definitely enjoy reading it and I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you blog post.

    • Hi Georgia, the official dates for this year’s Budapest Christmas Markets have not yet been announced but based on last year, the Budapest Christmas Fair in Vörösmarty Square was open until Dec 31 and the Advent Feast at the Basilica was open until Jan 1, so we’d you can expect similar dates this year 🙂 Hope that helps! Safe travels.

    • Hi, the organizers haven’t announced the official dates yet for this year. We’ll update this page when we hear any news!

    • Hi Lisa, yes – the Christmas markets in Budapest are scheduled to go ahead as planned this year. Hope that helps!

  13. Hi! This may sound like a silly question but how do you pay for stuff at the markets? Is it cash only or do they take credit cards? Thank you for your information.

    • Hi Rick, we don’t know about this year but historically vendors have always preferred cash. That said, card payments have become much more popular across the board since the pandemic, so there will probably be at least some vendors that take them. Best bet though is to bring at least some cash!

    • Hi Julie, this year’s dates have been announced as follows:

      – Budapest Christmas Fair in Vörösmarty Square: Nov 18 – Dec 28, 2022 (based on local news articles)
      – Advent Feast at the Basilica: Nov 18 – Jan 1, 2022 (based on the official website)
      – Advent Obudan: Nov 25 – Dec 23, 2022 (based on their call for vendors)

      Unfortunately this seems to suggest that the Christmas markets will not be open, although you may be pleasantly surprised by some stalls here and there. Luckily, lights and decorations may still be up by then, so we’d recommend a visit to the Central Market Hall which is open year round to hopefully soak up the last of the festive atmosphere in a market setting. Hope that helps!

  14. Hello I want to travel to Budapest from 6th December till 10 December to see the famous and beautiful Christmas Market. Will there be a Christmas market this year?

    • Hi Svetle, Christmas markets are indeed scheduled to go on this year. Here are the dates we have found based on our research:

      Budapest Christmas Fair in Vörösmarty Square: Nov 18 – Dec 28, 2022 (based on local news articles)
      Advent Feast at the Basilica: Nov 18 – Jan 1, 2022 (based on the official website)
      Advent Obudan: Nov 25 – Dec 23, 2022 (based on their call for vendors)

      Hope that helps!

    • Hi Tomek, the dates for the main Christmas market in Vörösmarty Square still haven’t been formally announced, but the dates for some other markets are now known.

      According to the official website ( Advent Feast at the Basilica will take place from Nov 17 – Jan 1, 2024.

      And Advent Obudan (according to the official website will be from Dec 1 – 23. Hope that helps


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